Whatever else the Moral Re-Armers are, they are great hands at a campaign. There have so far been eighty-three letters concerning my remarks a fortnight ago about the M RA play at the West- minster Theatre, apart from the 'official' reply published in the correspondence columns last week. The point about this kind of mass spon- taneous protest, however, is that the statistically valid collation of the texts which it makes pos- sible suggests that the writers' pens have received—as would only be natural—a certain amount of common spiritual guidance. The same phrases recur with monotonous frequency; the same order of points made crops up again and again; the same slight slip, I was amused to note, is made by a large number of correspondents in the same way. This is one field, I would say, in which it is possible to have too much of a good thing. Absolutely.