Kennedy Regnat
From MURRAY ICEMPTON NEW YORK E vEN those of us who live here think of the United States as a 3,000-mile-broad comic strip where significant occasions go bam, pop and zowie. But......
Peep, Bleep, And Just Dial 100
I wanted to telephone, for the first time in months, a certain number in Staines. Having consulted my pocket-book, I dialled SN3 and waited for Peep-Peep. Instead of Peep-Peep,......
Spectator's Notebook
IT is not only blinkered Marxists who are dis- lcomfited by the disappearance of the proletariat in the West. Many a doughty labour fighter of the bulldog breed finds it sad on......
Stratis Myrivilis A Distinguished Elderly Greek Gentleman...
his first visit to London in the Royal Free Hospital. He is Stratis Myrivilis, who at seventy may be described as the senior Greek novelist (and that country's candidate for the......
All Calm At Cannes My Friend Bernard Levin Has Been
lolling in Cannes, whence he sent me this reassuring message: 'The US Sixth Fleet is anchored in the bay opposite the Carlton Hotel, and a good proportion of the crew is......
Whatever else the Moral Re-Armers are, they are great hands at a campaign. There have so far been eighty-three letters concerning my remarks a fortnight ago about the M RA play......