25 NOVEMBER 1843, Page 18

PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED, From November 17th to November 234.


Paris and its People. By the Author of "Random Recollections of the Lords and Commons," Soc. In two volumes.

Greece under the Romans; a Historical View of the condition of the Greek Nation from the time of its Conquest by the Romans until the extinction of the Roman Empire in the East. B.C. 146—A.D. 717. By GEORGE Frimer, K.R.G., Member of the American Antiquarian Society, and Corresponding Member of the Archaiological Institute at Rome.

The Correspondence between Burns and Clarinda. With a Memoir of Mrs. M'Lehose, (Clarinda.) Arranged and edited by her grandson, W. C. M‘LEHosz.

France. Her Governmental, Administrative, and Social Organization, Exposed and Considered in its Working and in its Results. Studies of Sensation and Event: NORM By EBENEZER JONES.

Marion, or the Page ; a Play. [Though the subject of this drama is rather hacknied—the jealousy of a has. band excited by the old revenge of a disappointed lover and the fears of a presumptuous suitor—it contains the germ of a good-enough plot as times go. 'The idea, however, is treated so unskilfully not to say absurdly by the author in all the leading incidents, that Marion can only be added to the comities& list of dramatic failures.]

Edward Somers ; a Domestic Story. And A Legend of the Coast. By the Author of "Poems, by Viator."

[Two prose tales, of a very poor character.]

The Hand-Book of Hydropathy ; for professional and domestic use ; with an Appendix on the best mode of forming hydropathic establishments. Being the result of twelve years' experience at Gmfenburg and Frey. waldau. By Dr. J. WEISS, formerly Director of the Establishment at Freywaldau, latterly of Stanstead-Bury House, Hertfordshire. [Dr. J. WEISS has had much experience of the cold-water cure in Germany, and was the director of the Stanstearl-Bury House establishment in Hertford- shire. His object in the present volume is not scientific, but practical: that is, he does not enter into disquisitions on the modus oiverandi, but, after taking a general view of the efficacy of cold water, and giving some general directions for the practice of the system, he proceeds to consider seriatim the diseases curable by hydropathy; and a long list they form. Of course, Dr. WEISS is a thorough advocate for the cold-water cure; in other respects his book is the best and most rational that has yet appeared on the subject. There is greater caution in the promises of cure, less recklessness and pedantry in adhering


to the cold remedy, and more variety and discrimination n the treatment.] The Principles of Physiology applied to the Preservation of Health, and to the Improvement of Physical and Mental Education. By ANDREW GORSE, M.D., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edin- burgh, &c. With fifteen wood-cuts. Twelfth edition, revised and enlarged. (The People's Edition.)

[Twelfth edition The most popular medical work, perhaps, ever published: and in this case " popular" implies not the slightest sacrifice of soundness and science for popularity.] Simmonite's Juvenile Grammar of the English Language ; being an Abridgment of the Practical Self-Teaching Grammar. [This grammar does not impress us very favourably as to its execution ; the necessity of ease and simplicity as well as shortness appearing to have been overlooked.] Woman's Worth ; or Hints to raise the Female Character.

A Concise Exposition of Homeopathy, its Principles and Practice. With an Appendix. By GEORGE NEWMAN, M.R.C.S.L.


Political Philosophy. Part III. Democracy—Mixed Monarchy. Di- vision I. By HENRY Lord BROUGHAM.

Ireland. Dublin, the Shannon, Limerick, Cork and the Kilkenny Races, the Round Towers' the Lakes of Killarney, the County of Wicklow, O'Connell and the Repeal Association, Belfast, and the Giant's Cause- way. By J. G. KonL. (Foreign Library.) The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments ; translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently com- pared and revised, by his Majesty's special command. Accompanied throughout with a brief Hermeneutic and Exegetical Commentary and Revised Version. By the Reverend T. J. HUSSEY, D D., Rector of Hayes, Kent. Part VII. [This seems a very useful edition of the Bible ; embracing a good deal of cnriou's matter in a small compass and a form of easy reference. Each page is divided into four columns, the margins ranking as two. The first (marginal) column contains the received chronology, with various readings and references, of the nature of a concordance. The second column contains the authorized version; opposite to which, in the third column, is printed a carefully-revised translation, where such revision is needful; with brief remarks or notes, in the form of a paraphrase of the text ; the added matter being distinctly marked by Italic types. The fourth (or second marginal) column contains the chronology of Dr. HALES, "with such various readings and renderings as, without perhaps having actual claims to authenticity, are entitled to respect." As Dr. HUSSEY'S plan oeexhibiting the text with his notes and corrections is exceedingly useful, and may not be clearly comprehended by our description, we will print a specimen, from the eighth chapter of Judges ; where Gideon re- venges his brethren's death upon Zebah and Zalmunna.

19 And he said. They were my brethren. even the sons of my mother : as the Loan liveth, if ye hadsavedthem alive, I would not slay you.

20 And he said untoJether his firstborn, 20 And he said unto Jether his firstborn, Up, and slay them. But the youth drew as being near of his anaroenger of blood, Up, not his sword: for he feared, because he and slay them. But the youth drew not was yet a youth, his sword: for he feared, because he was

yet a youth.

21 Then Zebah and Zalmunna said, 21 Then Zebah and Zalmunna said, Rise thou, and fall upon us : fur as the Rise thou, and fall upon us : for as the man is. so is his strength. And Gideon man is, so is his strength, it is in proportion arose, and slew Zebahand Zalmunna, and to his age. And Gideon arose, and slew took away the ornaments that were on their Zebah nod Zalmuuna, and took away the camels' necks, ornaments like the moon. idolatrous orna- ments, still represented by the Mohamme- dan crescent, that were on their camels' necks.

It is proper to mention that we have seen only one number of Dr. Hue- SEY'S work—Part VIL ; which came to us, not from the publisher, but through another channel, after (as we are informed) directions from the author for transmission, that had been forgotten, or otherwise neglected.] Principles of Forensic Medicine. By Wilaatiss A. Guy, M.B. Cantab. Professor of Forensic Medicine, King's College, London, &c. Part U. part is occupied with a variety of interesting subjects,—questions con- nected with soundness of mind in all its forms ; real or apparent deaths, and whether death was self-inflicted or not ; wounds, with the question as to whe- ther they were the cause of mortality ; and feigned diseases, which in the Army at least are carried to such a pitch of perfection as sometimes to defy all com- mon means of detection, and to require to be met by a skill like the mails- gerer's.] Martin's Ireland Before and After the Union with Great Britain, Part IV. Chambers's Cyclopedia of English Literature, Part XII.


The Monumental Effigies of the Temple Church, with an Account of their Restoration in the year 1842. By EDWARD RICHARDSON, Sculptor. [Mr. RICHARDSON was the artist employed to restore the recumbent figures in the Temple Church from their defaced and mutilated condition; and this is his account of them and of his labours. It is illustrated by eleven plates, repre- senting the effigies of the nine warriors, seen both in front and in profile, with that of the Bishop, and the stone coffin lid; drawn on stone by Mr. EICIIARDSON from his own sketches. The opportunities that the task of restoration afforded him for accurately delineating these curious relics of monumental sculpture might, we think, have been turned to better account : it would have been pm- ferable had the effigies been drawn as they appeared before new noses were added, and the patches of colour utterly obliterated from the costume. As it is, the delineations, of the faces especially, are less satisfactory than they would have been bad the artist been more expert with his pencil. A few sets coloured according to the hints furnished by the originals would be valuable, if sufficient data exist for this purpose.]

.Roberts's Sketches in the Holy Land, Egypt, Arabia, and Syria, Part XIIL

[This part is published in lieu of Part XL, the appearance of which is post- poned through an accident : Parts XL and XIL are to be published together to make up for the delay. The ancient seaport of Sidon forms the subject of the greater portion of the plates, being represented under different points of view : its situation on a bold promontory, backed by the snowy peaks of the Lebanon range, and its citadel built on a rock in the harbour and connected with the city by a bridge, render it very picturesque. Mr. ROBERTS has treated the several scenes with simplicity and grandeur; the effects of light being judiciously varied to suit each, and gvoups of characteristic figures giving life to all. A magnificent view of the rums of Baalbec diversifies the interest of the collection.

The lithographic drawings are perfectly beautiful, especially the figures : the painter-like skill shown in the management of the tints reflects great credit both on the lithographer, Mr. RAGHE, and on the printer, Mr. Day.]

Abbotsford Edition of the Waverley Novels, Part XLII.


The Complete Suffrage Almanack, for 1844, being Bissextile or Leap. year. (Compiled and published under the sanction of the National Complete Suffrage Union.)

The British Farmer's .Almanack and Diary of Agriculture and Garden• ing, for the year 1844.

The Gardener's Almanack, for the year 1844. By GEORGE W. JOHNSON,

Esq., Fellow of the Agri-Horticultural Society of India, &c.

The Breather Almanack and Barometer of the Seasons, for the year 1844. By?. MURPHY, Esq. The Comic Almanack, for 1844; an Ephemeris in Jest and Earnest, con- taining "all things fitting for such a work." By ILIGDIJAL FUNNIDOS, Gent. Adorned with numerous humorous illustrations ; and a dozen of "right merrie " cuts pertaining to the months. By GEORGE CRUDISHANK.

The Garden Almanack and Floral Calendar, for 1844. The Horticul- tural Department by JOSEPH HARRISON, Editor of the "Floricultural Cabinet,' &c.

[The advancing .year continues to produce the daily guides for the next. We have this week six almanacks before us.

1. The Complete Suffrage Almanack appears to emanate from a society of which JOSEPH STURGE is the head, or with which he is connected; and its object is to inculcate " retrenchment " and "further reform," by compelling the purchaser to turn over the Society's lucubrations with a daily hand. Be- sides official, Parliamentary, and financial statistics, often applied to show up " class legislation," there is a "Complete Suffrage Intelligence," telling all about suffrage and the Society. Even the calendar is political. The notes of the month consist of extracts from different writers or speakers, involving some axiom touching the right of representation. 2. The British Farmer's Almanack belongs to the Stationers Company, and aims at a practical character : and its style in the original articles has a good led of the "practical" man—very solemn, very self-satisfied, indeed quite con- fident of unequalled sagacity ; whilst the bystander is tempted to look upon the views as twaddle, although the facts are often useful. One sign of the times is an article on Leases, in which the tenant-at-will and short-agreement system is strongly attacked.

3. The Gardener's Almanack also emanates from the Stationers Company; but is of a superior character in the tone of its literature to the British Far- mer's. There is a more liberal and scientific air about it. The horticultural information is considerable, and well arranged.

4. The Weather Almanack. Beyond the daily descriptions of what the weather is likely to be, Mr. MURPHY'S lucubrations chiefly relate to the neglect of himself and theory by the learned in his own country, the attention paid to him at Padua, whither he has been for his health, and a ponderous article on whether the moon is inhabited.

5. The Comic Almanac/s. Neither GEORGE CRUDISHANK 1101' RIGDUM Emma:Dos maintains his reputation for pleasantry and satire this year : the puns, verbal and graphic, appear flat and stale ; perhaps only because Punch anticipated all the good jokes on current topics, week by week. The best of Cautasaasix's etchings is the illustration of the burdens of "Ten Thousand. a Year."

6. The Garden Almanack and Floral Calendar. The matter in this almanack is more directly limited to garden practice than the others; so, though smaller- looking, it may contain as much or more horticultural instruction. One of its features is a direction for every week-day in the year : to which we should be tempted to apply the almanack phraseology of " the day before or the day after "; for the weather has to be considered both for you and your operations.]


A Letter to Nassau William Senior, Esq., in reply to the Article "Free Trade and Retaliation" in the Edinburgh Review, No. CLVIL By R. TORRENS, Esq., F.R.S. Letters from the Bishop of New Zealand to the Society for the Propaga- tion of the Gospel, with other information concerning his Diocese. Resium Dcmum. A Legislative Endowment for the Priesthood, and the Duty of Protestant Nonconformists. By the Reverend J. W. MASSIE. (Reprinted from the Manchester Times.) Lettre ci Monsieur .De Larnartine, par l'Autear de " Qu'est-ce que Is Loi dans une Monarchic fond6e stir le principe de la Soverainete Na- tionale," &c. Suivie de la Reponse de Monsieur DE LAMARTENE, et de celle de Messieurs DE GENOUDE et DEIAFORET, sur le mean suet. Temporal Prosperity Secured to Mankind by the Practice of Christianity; and Proposals for establishing a Society for the purpose of bringing Christian principles into effective operation, to be entitled the Practical Christian Union. By Joan JAMES Mevcaxrz.

Emancipation of Industry, No. IV.—Not Overproduction, but Imperfect Distribution, the cause of the Distress.