25 NOVEMBER 1843, page 19

Music In Schools For The Blind.

MR. Roanrsox, of Stonegate, York, has lately exhibited a new and highly-interesting musical experiment in the Blind School of that city. Having conceived the idea of forming a......


TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Loudon. 19th November 1843. Sea—I have just been reading your article on Deborah, and find some "historical recollections" in it which are......


MADAME DULCKEN'S sondes MUSICALES. Tax first of three entertainments, at which the rarest and best cham- ber-music is to be the constant attraction, took place at the residence......

Publications Received, From November 17th To November 234.

BOORS. Paris and its People. By the Author of "Random Recollections of the Lords and Commons," Soc. In two volumes. Greece under the Romans; a Historical View of the condition......