BRITISH S per Cent. Consols ........
Ditto for Account 3 per Cents. Reduced 3* per Cents. Reduced New 3* per Cents Loug Annuities Bauk Stock, 7 per cent. India Stock, 10*
Exchequer Bills. ltd. p. diem
India Bonds. 3* per cent Tuesday. DS. (Closing Prices.) Wednes. Thurs. Friday.
951 96 951 102* 103 121 1801 - 56 70 FUN Saturday 961 96/ 951 1021 1031 - - 2711. 60 pm. 74 pm. Monday.
96* 96k 951 102* 103 - 181 271 59 74 96* 95 95* 10211 103 121 181 - 60 73 951 96 951 102* 1024 12* 181 2701 56 72 96 96 95* 1021 103 - 1801 - 54 72 FOREIGN FUNDS.
(Last Official Q notation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Ct 75 Mexican 5 p. Ct. 29/ Austrian 5 - 112 . Ditto (Deferred) 5 9t Belgian 5 - 104 Michigan 6
Brazilian 5 - 75 Mississippi (Sterling) ...6 50 Buenos Ayres 6 - 29 Neapolitan Cuba 6 - 92 New York (1858) 5 92 Chiliau 6 - Columbian of 1824 6 -
100 ill
Ohio 6 90
Pennsylvania 5 so
Danish 3 - 86 Peruvian 6 22 Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) .21 - 541 Portuguese 5 72
Ditto (Ditto) 5 -
100 Ditto (Converted) .. 431 French 3 - - Russian 5 1151 Ditto 5 -
Spauislt 5 21/ Indiana (Sterling) 6 - 37 Ditto (Passive) 5 Illinois 6 - - Ditto (Deferred) 12 Kentucky 6 - - South Carolina 5 p. Ct.
Louisiana (Sterling) .... 5 - 62 Tenuessee 6 -
Marylaud (Sterling) ....5 - 60 United States Bank
18s. 6d.
Massachusetts (Sterling) 5 - - i Virginia. 6
(Last Official Quotation dur ing the Week ending Friday Evening.) MINES-BANKS-
- t 1 Australasian
Brazilian Imperial - !I British North American
Ditto (St. John del Rey) 13 Colonial
British Iron
1' London and Westminster
22* Candonga - London Joint Stock 121 Cobre Copper
1 National of Ireland
RAILWAYS- 1 National Provincial
Chelteuham and Great Western - Provincial of Ireland 43 Edinburgh and Glasgow 55 Union of Australia 291 Eastern Counties 9* Union of London
Grand Juuction
Great Western 92 East and West India 127 Liverpool and Manchester ....
London 98* London and Brighton 391 St. Katherine 1051 Londou and Blackwell. 41
London and Greeuwich 41 1 Australian Agricultural
London aud Birmingham 217 British American Land
Loudon aud Croydon 141 ■ Canada
Manchester and Leeds 87 General Steam
Midland Counties 811 New Zealand
North Midland 87 1 Royal Mail Steam
South-eastern and Dover 294 1 South Australian
South.westeru 691 Vau Diemen's Land
Gold, Foreign In Bars ...per as. 31. 17s. ed. Copper, British Cakes.per ton 851.0s. OW 86 14 0 Old Spanish, or Pillar Dollars.. 0 0 0 Iron, British Bars 3 2 6 - 5 so Mexican Dollars... 0 4 91 Lead, British Pig 17 0 0 - 0 0 0 Silver in Bars. Standard 0 4 I a Steel, English 0 0 0 - 0 0 0
GRAIN, Mark Lane, November 24.
With the exception of Irish Oats, the supplies of grain generally during the week have been extremely moderate, and the trade for most articles has experienced but little alteration, though there is not much business doing. The few samples of English Wheat offering are held at precisely the same rates as Monday. We have no Foreign arrivals this week, and in free Wheat there is scarcely any change deserving notice, the demand being for the most part very limited. Barley is taken oft' slowly at pro vious prices ; whilst Beans and Peas are tolerably steady in value. Although the sup- plies of Scotch and English Oats still come sparingly to hand, the receipts from [reined are liberal, and the demand very slow at present ; at a reduction of about 6d. per quar- ter only a limited extent of business has been transacted. In Malt or Flour no change.
Wheat, RedNew42 ,u40 Fine 48 .. 55 Old 55.44 White 44 .. 48 Fine 50 .. M SuperfineNew50 .. 50 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week. Wheat 51s. 14. Rye . 295. 9d Wheat Od Rye Ils, Od Barley. . 81 3 1 Beans 4 Bade .
8/ y ........7 0 I Beans 10 0 Oats 18 2 Peaa . ..... . 82 3 Oats 5 0 Peas 9 0
Town-made per sack 45s. to 50s. 1 Seconds 40 - 45 , Eases and Suffolk, on board ship 35 - 40 ; Horfolkand Stockton 30 - 83 1 BRAN per quarter Os. to Os. POLLARD, fine Os. to Os. BREAD, ed. to 84.1. the 41b. Loaf.
Rent Pockets. 105s to 150. York Reds pa ten 50s. to 74s. Choice Ditto ........ .............. 140 - 180 Scotch Reds 50 - 55 Susses Pockets 103 - 110 Dermas 60 - 0 Fine Ditto In - 115 Kent and Essex Whites 50 - 55
Rape Oil ......... .....per cwt IL 16e. 42 Refined 0 0 0 Linseed Oil 1 9 0 Lin.crd Oil Cake per IWO 0 0 0 CANDLES, per dozen, 0 s.0d. to Os. Od. Moulds (id. per 01.0d. COALS, Helton 20.54.
T ...... 55.5 2,
• To sink the offal-per tilbs.
HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIE TO, Beasts. Sheep- Calms. Pigs
rts tr aft ..... ..• 203 863
Monday 3,012
SMITHFIELD.* • Led. to S. el s. 0.1. O 3 8 .. • 4 3 • 0 • . 4 0 4 4 O 0 0 0
NEWGATE AND LEADENHALL.• Beet 2s. ed. to 3s. Od. to Ils, 44.
Mutton 2 4 .. 2 10 • .....
Teal 0 4 .. 4 .. 4 0 Pork 58 ,.54 .. 8 10 Lamb Oats, Peed . • 18 to 19
Fine . 10 ..20 Poland. 21 a
Fine Si . 23 Potato..." to Vs Fine ..• • 23 .. 23
Rye 29ta 32
Barley 25 .. 26
Malting 29 . so
Malt, Ordinary 54 .50 Fine 58 00 Peas, Hog.... 28 .. 30 Maple 30 to 32 White -05 . 84 Boilers 36 38 Bean., Ticks 27 29 Old 30 .. 31 Harrow 31 .. 33
BUTTER-Best Fresh, 134. Od per do, Carlow, 81.15.. to 41.65. per cat, BACON, Small Old, per cwt Os to 0. CHEESE. Cheshire Os. to Os Derby Plain 46.10 585 HA5IS, York 005. '0 50, EGGS, Preach- per 120 Os. Oil to Bs. Od.
HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)
CUMBERLAND. SMITHFIELD. PORTtd AN. WHITECH A PEL 76s... 84s 55s... 75...... Os... Os 40. 75s 55 .. 68 0 .. 0 0 0 0 80 .. 105 75 .. 105 0 .. 0 .. .. 50 Ile
67 .. at 23 .. 30 Bey, Good
Inferior New Clover Wheat Straw
TEA, Bohm,fine, Os. Od. - 0 0. Congeo, Sae .........I S - 8 4 Souchong, One 1 8 5o • In Bond-Duty 2s. Id.per lb COFFEE, fine (in bd) pecans. ON. to I 50
Good Ordinary SUGAR Muscovado. per mrt.34 West India Molasses.,. VIM. to sti •