Mr. Duncan M'Neill, Lord Advocate of Scotland, has been elected Dean of the Faculty, by a large majority. This is said to be the only instance of such an honour having been conferred on a Lord Advocate since the time of Lord Melville.
We understand that the Senate of King's College and University, Aberdeen, on Saturday last, by the casting-vote of Principal Jack, approved generally of the resolutions of the Senate of the University of Glasgow relative to the abrogation of religious tests in the Scottish Universities.—Glasgow Guardian.
We are happy to understand that a correspondence has lately taken place between the Duke of Sutherland and Dr. 111•Ka:an of Greenock, which has issued in his Grace promising to give favourable considera- tion to applications for sites for churches and manses to the Free Church ministers in Sutherland. It is expected that, with the Duke's leave, the correspondence will be published in a few day s.—Greenoch Advertizer, Nov. 21.
At a meeting of Shareholders in the proposed Edinburgh and Berwick Railway, last week,—Sir James Forrest in the chair,—it was resolved that the Company be formally constituted, by the title of "the North British Railway Company," with a capital of 800,000/., in 25/. shares. The line is to join with others in England. Mr. William Chambers -remarked that, when it was completed, the traveller might pass from Edinburgh to Cologne in about thirty (?) hours, instead of being a week on the journey.
The working-men of Edinburgh have begun a movement to establish baths on a grand scale for their own use. Lord Dunfermline patronizes the project.
The Aberdeen Herald relates a story of mysterious death. Mr. John Still, who had been master and part owner of a coasting-vessel, had fallen into indigent circumstances • and he lived in a house with no one but an elderly woman, who cooked his food. About six weeks ago, he told the woman that he must leave town for a short time : next day be did not make his appearance ; and as his room was locked, she supposed that he had gone without taking leave. The period fixed for his absence expired, and he did not come. She grew uneasy. At length, within these few days, she persuaded some neighbours to break open the locked door ; and then the body of Mr. Still was discovered re- clining on a chair by the bedside, much decayed. The death is con- jectured to have been caused by apoplexy, or want of sufficient food.