The Globe has reason to believe "that Mr. C. Alexander
Wood, of the Oxford Circuit, (a near relative of the honourable Members for Brecknock and Middlesex,) has been appointed by Lord Stanley to succeed the late Mr. Villiers, as Commissioner of Colonial Lauds and Emigration." The Globe answers for the personal worth and com- petency of the new Commissioner.
Last night's Gazette notifies several diplomatic and Colonial appoint- ments— Mr. Charles Bankhead, now Secretary to the Embassy at Constantinople, to be Minister Plenipotentiary to the Mexican Republic; Mr. John Ralph Mil- banke, now Secretary to the Embassy at Vienna, to be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the King of Bavaria ; the Honourable Henry Richard Charles Wellesley, Secretary of the Legation at Stutgardt, to be Se- cretary to the Embassy at Constantinople ; Sir Alexander Malet, Bart. now Secretary of Legation at the Hague, to be Secretary to the Embassy at Vienna; and the Reverend Francis John Harrison Rankin, to be Chaplain of the Gambia settlements.