The French telegraph informs us that Barcelona capitulated on the
19th; both parties having made fresh concessions in the wish for peace. The Government troops entered the town on the 20th; the Captain- General appointed a new Municipality on the 21st; and, seditious cries baying been raised, began to disarm the National Guard on the 22d. On the same day, the members of the Junta and about a hundred officers of the National Guard embarked for France, in two ships of that na- tion, with passports from the Captain-General.
In Madrid, the Ministerial question has been again reopened, and settled in a manner that promises little permanency. In the Chamber of Deputies, on the 17th, Olozaga and Lopez exchanged compliments and reciprocated expressions of the wish to avoid office, previously re- hearsed in negotiations on the subject ; but eventually, Lopez, who seems really the most reluctant to occupy so difficult and arduous a post, intimated that he and his colleagues consented to continue in office. It is still thought that the Queen must again "send fur" S. Olozaga.