The Times relates an anecdote of noble generosity on the
part of the Reverend Sydney Smith. His friend the Reverend James Tate, Canon Residentiary of St. Paul's and Vicar of Edmonton, a most emi- nent scholar, died lately. He had held the appointments but a short time ; and his family, after enduring straitened circumstances for nearly half a century, were again deprived of competency. The only benefice held by Mr. Smith is a small Chancery living in Somersetshire, worth 3001. a year : the living of Edmonton, worth upwards of 1,5001., fell to his disposal: he bestowed it on the son of his departed friend.
At the Court of Common Council, on Thursday, a letter was read from Mr. Charles Pearson to the Lord Mayor, stating that remarks highly injurious to the writer's character and consistency as a public man had been industriously circulated by some enemy ; that the charges against him extended over a period of thirty years ; and asking leave for ten days' absence from the duties of his office as City Solicitor, to prepare the means of rebutting those charges. The Lord Mayor had granted the application.