There is a perfect mania for Railway Amalgamations just now.
The London and North-Western have agreed to amalgamate with the Yorkshire and Lancashire, and the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire with the Midland, while it is believed that all Seotlauct will shortly be in the hauds of a single company. The Glasgow and South-Western has only to accede to the terms offered by the Caledonian and North•British to enable the country to watch an invaluable experiment. We trust Parliament will throw no obstacle in the way, but we trust also that Mr, Chichester For- tescue will take advantage of the new Acts to insist upon clauses. making the inspecting powers of the Board of Trade more real,, and smoothing the way for the ultimate absorption of the lines by the State. Concerns so vast should have an official director to. prevent cheating and the oppression of the public. It is Mr. Fortescuels first chance in this office, it is a very great one, and we hope he will see it.