The Depreciation Of Silver.
[To MR EDITOR Of TRU "SPROTATOR.") SIR,—In your article last week on Mr. Lowe's memorandum, you advert to his objection that if he were bound to coin all the silver that anyone......
The Immortality Of Animals And Of Man. [to Tun Editor
Ole TOR "SPECTAT0R:1 Srn,—There seems room for a word, if you can find space for it, in reply to " Philozooist," not so much in the way of argument as of history, in reference......
Onconformists And Endowed Schools.
[TO TIIR EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I shall not attempt to discuss the Rev. J. Jenkyn Brown's curious numerical calculations about the Churchmen and Tories who are on the......
Rro Tor Editor, Ole Ton "sprotator.1 Sin,—the Exception...
the Dissenters in your columns and -elsewhere to the action of the Endowed Schools' Commission in placing the rector or incumbent of the parish ex officio on the managing body......