THE Autumn Session was opened on Thursday with an un- usually short message from the Crown. Parliament is informed that it is brought together in order "to give further consideration to the great subject of the representation of the people"; that "the energy, courage, and resource displayed by General Gordon deserve her Majesty's warm recognition "; that the advance of troops to Dongola has for its "object the rescue and security of that gallant officer, and of those who have so faithfully co-operated with him " ; that "financial support has been given to the Egyptian Government in the difficult financial position in which it has been left through the failure of the Con- ference"; that the operations in the Soudan will require a further provision of money; that affairs in South Africa require "vigilant attention"; and that "means are being considered to secure the faithful observance of the Convention of the present year." There is no allusion to foreign affairs or to Ireland, the intention evidently being to confine discussion to the Franchise, to Egypt, where money is required, and to South Africa, where we may be compelled to employ force. The Obstructives in the House have not, however, unlearned their art ; and we may be sure that they will succeed in raising debate on all omitted subjects.