25 OCTOBER 1884, page 21
"who Scrawls
With desperate charcoal on the blaokentd walls." Whatever the work to which he was set—and his friends gave him more than one trial—he would draw ; and he was right, for he......
The Eclogues Of Virgil. Translated Into English Verse By...
J. L. Scott, M.A. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co.)—Mr. Scott chooses the octosyllabic metre, though he gives to the fourth Eclogue the more dignified form of the heroic couplet. He......
&holm Boous.—homer : Iliad, Lail With An Introduction, A...
Homeric Grammar, and Notes. By D. B. Monro, M.A. (The Clarendon Press.)—Mr. Monro's book, intended "to furnish a com- panion volume to Mr. Merry's school edition of the '......