Mr. MacDonald declared in a recent speech that under a
Labour Government houses had for the first time been produced for letting,- and' not necessarily for selling. "My friend Wheatley," he said, had done it. -After this remarkable statement we were not surprised to read in the Glasgow Herald of lait week a protest from- a Glasgow magistrate :— "Some of us in Glasgow are jealous of the great reputation of our CorpOration as the pioneer, in however small a way, in the giving of object-lessons to the whole country in building houses for the work- ing classes and letting these louses to them, not selling them. This has been going On since 1866, abet it is rather hard to be told in 1924 that this is being.done for the first time by Mr.Wheatley."
Of course, there are other municipalities which have built houses for letting. For our part we would give higher marks to any municipality that made it easy for manual workers to become-owners of their houses.