• The Publication Of Next Week's Issue Of The Spectator
will be postponed for twenty-four hours so that a more comprehensive survey of the Election results can be made.......
In Arraying The Anti-socialist Forces For The General....
compact has been made between the Unionist and Liberal Headquarters. Where triangular contests, which might have let in a Labour candidate on a minority' vote, have been......
There Are 1,426 . Candidates For The 615 Scats In The
House of Commons: Forty-one of the candidates are women. The total figure includes 32 candidates who have been returned unopposed, 16 of whom are Unionists. The Unionist......
News Of The Week
• T ILEgreatest possible mistake is made by those who pretend that because nobody wanted a General Election just now there is therefore no real issue before the country. The......
The Campbell Ease, Although The Country Has To Think About
far more important subjects, has quite rightly not been allowed to drop during the election campaign. Very damaging charges have been made against the Government, notably by Sir......
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