25 OCTOBER 1930, Page 18


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—One is naturally very loath to criticize in any way the arrangements made by the Government for the funeral of the victims of the 'IDOL' but why in the name of international peace and good will were these arrangements so essentially and exclusively in the nature of a military pageant and identified so very closely with all the old hateful weapons of war ? The R101 ' was surely symbolic of something more than just another potential weapon of war ?

Also, what about the Kellogg Peace Pact, to say nothing of all the pacifist professions of our Labour Cabinet Ministers when out of office ? As long as we continue in the old rut of glorifying militarism and keeping any representation of our peaceful pursuits severely in the background, we shall have only ourselves to blame for the inevitable consequence.

The Labour Government has had a great opportunity for reflecting the new, post-War spirit of the nation. But this opportunity has been lost. Apparently our Socialist statesmen have no mom imagination and pride in the real dignity of constructive Labour than had the old pre-War type of fire-eating colonel.—I am, Sir, &c.,