The Appearance Of The Fibre Is Most Convincing. It Is
very delicate and peculiarly soft to touch. The amount contained in one pod is large. The first pod sent to me was opened in a very still atmosphere, and the few threads that......
Plant Mines.
One great botanist of our day believes that in the future the manufacturing centres of the world will be found in tropical or semi-tropical places where botanic growth is most......
Those Who Have Seen Such Efficient Speed In Operation Cannot
but feel that here is the dens ex nmchiva indeed, who shall resolve several agricultural difficulties that seem insoluble. Mr. Orwin's charge against almost all present fanning......
A Successor ?
All this is preface to a letter of peculiar interest which reaches me from Kenya. In that rich and various colony (if this useful word is still allowed) Brotex is being......
Country Life
THE NEW PLANTS. It is the dream of most botanists that some plant will be found or made which will do for humanity such service as was done in the past by the discovery of......
The Steadiness And Rapidity Of Growth In Botany Is Curiously
and persuasively illustrated in a new edition of The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers, published for Sutton and Sons (who number among them some notable research workers), by......
A Deus Ex Machina.
In a brief reference last week to that very remarkable book, The Future of Farming, by Mr. Orwin (Oxford University Press. 5s.)I said something about his sketch of the......