Sts,--On October 27th a meeting, arranged by the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in conjunction with the University of London Animal Welfare Society, is to be held at the University of Edinburgh, and it is hoped that humanely minded members of the Scottish universities may join forces with those who in London are seeking to enlist on behalf of suffering animals the trained ability and disciplined judgment of university men and women. May I appeal to your readers in the Scottish universities to support this meeting, and for that end to communicate with Dr. T. W. M. Cameron, Department of Zoology, University of Edinburgh ?
The University of London Animal Welfare Society, of which I have the honour to be a vice-president, has as its president the Principal of the Royal Veterinary College, and among its vice-presidents arc the Principal of the Uni- 'ersity, the Principals of University College, King's College, Ilirkbeek College, Wye Agricultural College, the Member of
Parliament, and many other distinguished memberS of the University. It has driWn attention especially to the subjects of trapping, humane slaughter and the destruction of sea-birds by oil waste, and-to the work of the more responsible animal prottetion soCieties. It has 'arranged meetings in the'colleges and 'hostels of the University' of London; and also in con-
junction. with the University of London Union, the National Union of Students, the Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux, and the Conference of Educational Associations.
I understand, however, that this excellent work is in danger of being brought to an end by lack of funds, for the honorary officers have already been obliged to draw heavily on their own pockets to pay for printing, &c. Moreover, they are unable to cope with the increasing demands made by the Society on their time and effort, for they have to carry out their labours after an arduous day's work in their professions. About £300 is required to re-establish the financial sit oat' and to secure the part-time services of an admirable secretary whom the officers have in view. For lack of this aid ninny good opportunities are being missed.—I am, Sir, &c., A. W. MAYO-BOBSON.