Mr. Baldwin then wrote a letter to Lord Beaverbrook, which
was published in the papers of Wednesday. He pointed out that it would be impossible for one who hoped to return to power to promise to delegate to the Dominions any decision in regard to British domestic taxation. Such taxation was the exclusive function of the British Government. Obviously this is a con- stitutional argument to which there is no answer. Further, Mr. Baldwin issued a counter-challenge to Lord Beaverbrook. He reminded Lord Beaverbrook that last February he promised to rejoin the Unionists if the pledge of a second General Election as a preliminary to the imposition of food taxes was withdrawn. That pledge had been withdrawn. Why did not Lord Beaver- brook return ? Lord Beaverbrook, we think, would be wiser if he did return, but we undertake to say that Mr. Baldwin will really be happier if he does not. Lord Beaverbrook has at least an excuse for remaining outside the fold. He can say that as Mr. Baldwin puts the Quota before food taxes the pace is too slow. ▪ * * *