25 OCTOBER 1930, Page 22

Some Books of the Week

kVE seem to be moving towards an age when each of the different sections of the social and political world requires its own specially prepared book-food. The Indian Crisis, by Mr. Fenner Brockway,M.P. (Gol!ascz,2s. 6d.) adds nothing to all that is known and has been written this year. It is simply the Indian problem seen through Socialist eyes. The author starts by depicting lurid contrasts of wealthy and poor, follows this up with a survey of Indian agricultural conditions with special mention of the Zemindars " who exploit the peasants cruelly " and then wallows in a description of the " incredibly bad" housing conditions. His bias is particularly puerile in his remarks about the Indian States. Nevertheless, this little book is not without interest as pointing to a social and economic movement which may easily develop into something bigger and wider than the move- ment for political freedom, unless the latter is dealt with sanely and imaginatively without further delay. For the first time, Mr. Gandhi's letter carried to the Viceroy in March by Mr. Reginald Reynolds is published in full, and it is un- doubtedly a document essential to any appreciation of the present issues.