25 OCTOBER 1930, Page 22

The Competition

Youn cousin and his wife, who have lived all their lives in Australia, want to spend one month of next year in Great Britain. They ask your advice as to when they should come, where they should go, and what they should do and see. They are between thirty and forty years old and have money.

A first prize of £3 3s. and a second prize of £2 2s. are offered for the best letters of reply in not more than five hundred words. The prize will not necessarily go to the most literary letters but to the one that will give most help to the Australians. Letters should be written or typed on one side of the paper only and the number of words should be counted. Entries should be sent in before October 31st of this year. The Editor's decision is final. The Editor cannot undertake to enter into any correspondence about entries or results.