Mr. Beresford Chancellor has written much on various parts of
old London, but he has never had a better subject than in his new book, The Annals of Covent Garden (Hutchin- son, 18s.). Once the home of fashion and then the resort of literary and theatrical folk and of less reputable characters, Covent Garden has many interesting and curious associations to which the author does justice. Inigo Jones laid out the central site for the Earl of Bedford in Charles l's reign ; the present church is a copy of his work, and the premises lately vacated by the National Sporting Club have traces at least of his manner in the façade. The author perambulates the district street by street, and has an abundance of enter- taining anecdotes of the eminent people who once frequented Covent Garden. The book is well illustrated. It may be noted that the Spectator offices are not now, as slated on page 172, at the old house in York Street, but were removed a year ago to 99 Gower Street.