25 OCTOBER 1930, Page 46

Financial Notes


As noted in another column, the most conspicuous feature of the stock markets during the past ten days has been the buoyancy of British Funds and kindred securities. It is a buoyancy which even the advent of new large issues of capital —such, for example, as the India Loan for £12,000,000—has been powerless to affect, and at the time of writing prices of investment descriptions close at about the highest points touched since the War. In other departments of the Stock Exchange the tone has been rather dull until lately, when a recovery from the lowest points has taken place. German Loans have hardened a little on the victory of the 'Government in the Reichstag, and while all South American securities continue to be affected by the political unsettlement in that country, the tendency of late has been

somewhat steadier. * * « •