There is general agreement in the City that a wise choice has been made in the appointment of Sir Henry Strakosch as Member of the Council of India in succession to Mr. F. C. Goodenough. The last-named banker had occupied his position on the Council for the maximum period permitted by the Statute, and the services which he has rendered for nearly twelve years, during the greater part of which he was Chairman of the Finance Committee, have seldom, if ever, been exceeded by any previous member. Sir Henry Strakosch brings to his position quite exceptional fitness. For years he has been regarded as a great expert on currency and exchange, and that reputation has been enhanced, and his experience has been increased, as a result of his having come into touch in recent years with so many problems of European international finance and currency. The new Member of the India Council has also an intimate knowledge of Indian affairs, having been a Member of the Royal Commission on Indian Currency