A Christmas Woodpecker
A very beautiful little picture has been especially painted by Mr. Harrison, that most perfect portrait painter of birds, as a Christmas card for the Norfolk .Naturalists' Frust: The bird' is the Great .Spotted Woodpecker, who stands on the ',loping -trunk' of a fallen birch tree. The bird, which is one of the most salient in the British list, is much less. rare than it was in many districts, and though' shy .has certain fondness for our gardens.. Buyers of Christmas cards issued year by year by this most benefieent Trust have helped to Secure the most beautiful and typical bird sanctuaries in the world. Every penny spent on the cards, which have a Peculiar distinction of their os'n, goes to support the 8attetuaries. The price of the cards is 41(1. each or 4s. 6d, at doien, inclusive of suitable envelOpes and postage. They can be procured from the Honorary Secretary of the Trust,. `Sydney H. Long, M.D., 11 surrey Street, Norwich. The original picture is also for sale. The card is printed so early as this because year by year more ,people (especially readers of The Spectator) write for cards from'far overseas—from India, :Anstralia and the American continent.