The Government's Main Plank Will Undoubtedly Be Its...
and on that its claim to support is strong the future is to be judged in the light of the last four months ral her than the last four years. This week's deb(it e i.s sal......
News Of The Week
T IKE date of the General Election is now definitely fixed for November 14th, and though for ourselves We regret an election at this moment nothing is gained now by cavilling at......
A Stagnant Week There Has Been Little Military Movement In
Abyssinia in the past week. On the Eritrean front the Italians dislike to be hurried. They have. fortified their positions near Adowa and Adigrat, while : the Abyssinians are......
• Omens : 99 Gower St., London, W:c. 1. Tel.
: MuSErm 1721. Entered as second-class Mail Matter at the New York, N.Y. Post Office, 'the. 23rd; 1896. Postal subaiwiption 399. per annum, to any part of the world. Postage on......