[To the Editor of Tan SPECTATOR.] Sin,—In a review of a book .by me ,entitled Six Architects, the writer says " there are plenty of small misprints, partimilarly in Italian and French words, and a few mistakes, such us. the substitution of Freart de Chambray for Freart de .Chantelon on.page 59," but " Freart, de Chambray ?' does not .oecur,at,all in the text of my book. " M. de Chambray." as he is rightly called in the accounts of Bernini's journey to .Paris, was " Roland Freart Sr. de Chambray " as, he is ,described on the title page of Evelyn's translation of the well-known Parallel of Architecture dated 1663. Roland Freart was a brother of Jean Freart sieur de Chantelou, not " Chantelon " as spell, in your review.
To say that " there are plenty of small,misprints." without giving any instances,, is, in my opinion, not, criticism but malice, and I must ask you to be good enough to insert, this correction in .the next issue of The Spectator.—Yours faithfully, 1 New Court, Temple, B.C. 4. REGINALD BLDNiviELD.
[Our reviewer writes : I did not give.a list of misprints and minor mistakes because I was writing a short review and not compiling a catalogue, ,but to satisfy Sir Reginald Blornfield's curiosity here are a few specimens : accents omitted on Pdrac (p. 19), Val de Grdee (110), Crequi (59), Vandieres (140), Mddicis (107) ; Pyrrho for Pirro (19) ; Longeuil for Longueil (113) ;- Barri for Barry (145) ; Tournehem for Tournehem (15); La Antichita for L'Antichita, (10).; Topographiae for Topo- graphia (19). I have not been able to verify up to the hilt my doubts about the• dates given in connexion with Serlio and Marliani (19), but I scent confusion in the reference on the same page to a Sansovino who died in 1529. For the Sansovino who died in that year was the sculptor, Andrea Contucci, and not the architect, Jacopo Tatti, whom I suspect Sir Reginald had in mind, and who lived on till 1570.
On the question of the Freart brothers, the misprint Chan- (don for Chantelou in my review, due to my vile writing, gives a certain pot-and-kettle character to the whole dispute. However, the confusion of persons to which .I referred remains as I stated it, If Sir Reginald will turn to p. 4 (paragraph I and note 1) of the .13.55 edition of the Journal du Voyage du Cavalier Rernin he will see that it was, Jean Freart de Chanteloui and not Roland Freart de Chambray who acted a/s.13ernini's guide in Paris,. though he may perhaps take consolation from the thought that Charles Perrault slipped into the same cons fuSion.]