A Political Coincidence At the time when the Unemployment Insurance
'Rill Was -under consideration there was much criticism of the smallness of children's -allowances to those in' receipt of unemployment insurance benefit. It may seem an . extraordinarily timely gift of Providence that it should enable the 'Government to lay a proposal for increasing the. alloWance from 2s. to Bs. a week before Parliament ire the, last days of its existence just before the General Election. The Minister of Labour has, -however, tin explanation of this fortunate occurrence. The Statutory Committee made the recommendation, he informs les, lest July, and this, with the Minister's proposals, ' has to be laid before Parliament either within two • months or as soon as possible after it meets. The Govetn- rnent has improved on the recommendation by making the increase available in eases excepted by the Statutory Committee. Meantime a shriller question of still greater importance still remains unsettledthat of the Regula- tions governing public. assistance. Were we not told (unofficially, it is true) that there could not be a General Election until the revised Regulations had been approved and issued ?
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