25 SEPTEMBER 1858, Page 4


The news from Balmoral continues to report the daily drives of her Majesty, and the assiduous attentions paid to the deer in her forests and the grouse on her moors by the Prince Consort and the Prince of Wales. The only novelty in the intelligence is that her Majesty gave a ball on Monday and entertained a large number of the neighbouring gentry. Among the guests at Balmoral Castle' have been the Duchess of Kent, the Marquis of Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Farquharson of Invercauld and Dr. Robertson.

Mr. Walpole arrived at Balmoral on Saturday and took the place °Mord Derby as the Secretary of State in attendance.

The Aberdeen Herald understands that the University Commissioners have already had several meetings in Edinburgh, chiefly for the purpose of arranging their course of procedure. According to this information, all their sittings will be in Edinburgh, and their inquiries will be con- ducted rather by documentary than oral communication. The Lord Jus- tice Clerk has been appointed chairman, and will as such have a delibe- rative and casting vote.

After a careful examination of the various design; the committee have intrusted the execution of the monument fo be erected to Hugh Miller at Cromarty—which is to consist of a Grecian Doric column and statue —the statue to Mr. Handyside Ritchie, and the column to Mr. Thomas Watson, Edinburgh.— Witness.

The geological museum of the late Mr. Hugh Miller has been purchased by the Government for 500/. In addition to this sum, another of about 6001., subscribed all over the country, with a view to the purchase of the collec- tion, will be handed to Mr. Miler's widow. The collection will remain in the Edinburgh Museum.