Flit Arlin'.
FROM THE LONDON GAZRITE, SEPT. 21. WAIL OFFICE, Pall Mall, September 21.—Royal Engineers—Lieut.-Col. E. Frame, from the Seconded List, to be a Supernumerary Lieut.-Col.......
PROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, SF.PTEMBF.R 21. Partnerships Dissoleed.-Redgate and Co. Sneinton and Nottingham, lace-manu- facturers-Carson and Kilgonr, Liverpool, drysalters-Grime......
Litht Nut. From The London Gazette, Sept. 21.
Ammar:re, Sept. 17.-In consideration of the successful operations on the Polio, as recorded in the Supplement to the London Gazette of the 27th of July 1858, the following......
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BRITISH FUNDS. (ClosingPrices.) 3 Per Cent Consols Ditto for Account Redu tPer Cents ced ew 3 per c, nti Long Annuities Annuities 1885 ( 11 ::, k 133°3 k. Per Cent S tock 10 1......