[To TER EDITOR 01 TRI "Brzarrron."] Sra,—In your issue of June 2ith "A. E. S. B." asks the question: "Why should not married people who are childless adopt the children who have been orphaned by the war P" It may interest your readers to know that at the end of last year permanent homes were offered in three hundred Australian families to either British, French, or Belgian orphans, bat that, after much inquiry on my part in London, I discovered that there were no children available, nor were there likely to be. If your correspondent knows of such children and can communicate with the Victoria League in London, or with Lady Jersey or Lady Poore, it will be easy to revive the movement, and I can guarantee that the children will be placed in good homes and well looked after. I believe that the Government here would give them free passages, and Committees of ladies in Australia would receive them and place them in selected homes. I shall be glad to hear from any of your readers on this matter.—I am, Sir, &c., Sydney, August 6th. RICHARD ARTHUR, M.D. Edin.