25 SEPTEMBER 1915, page 24

In These Days When The " Picture Palace " Is

becoming a serious rival to the theatre, and when Mr. Chaplin is even more celebrated than Mr. Lauder, The Cinematograph Book, by Mr. Bernard E. Jones (Cassell and Co., 2s. 6d.......

Some Of The Dissatisfaction That Is Widely Felt With The

working of our educational system finds expression in Citizens to Be, by Miss M. L. V. Hughes (Constable and Co., 4s. 6d. net). The book is an earnest and carefully elaborated......

Crainquebille Is The Latest Volume Of The Translation Of The

works of Anatole France in course of publication by Mr. John Lane (6s.). It contains a number of short stories hardly less well known than that which gives the book its title.......