At Bristol on Thursday week Lord Selborno explained his scheme
for establishing local Committees to advise and help farmers. The County Councils were being invited to form County War Agricultural Committees. These would have no legal powers, but would be simply voluntary associations. They would be asked to form local Committees for the areas of District Councils and Urban District Councils. There would be no charge on the rates. The cost, which must be kept within strict limits, would be paid by the Treasury. By means of the local Committees and the county Committees farmers and small-holders would be kept in touch with the Board of Agriculture. Last year there wore one million three hundred thousand acres less arable land in England than in 1895. The arable should be increased chiefly by ploughing inferior grass-lands. The mere substitution of wheat for other crops was not the solution required. Farmers should plough, not only for cereals, but for meat.