SIR,—I object to the way you seek to fob off
D. E. Morgan's protest at Watchman's language about Scotch and Welsh nationalists and their aims. The use of such boo-words as 'dotty' and of 'supercilious phrases like 'their eccentric say' is not an expression of opinion; it is merely a sneer. At a time when re- jection of English rule is so globally fashionable,
nationalist parties with serious political and social
aims surely deserve a more responsible type of comment. The words used do, of course, illustrate an obvious fact: force is the only argument the English really appreciate in matters of this sort. An archbishop or any other thug who cares to organ- ise a campaign of murder can soon get independence for his country and be called a statesman into the bargain. Nations too decent to resort to bullets in the back must go on being called 'dotty.'
Imo DAVIES The Grammar School, Cowbridge, Glamorgan