The Other Birmingham
David Watt has recently been commenting in the Spectator on the colour problem in Birming- ham, and on the attitudes of political candidates to it. We should count our......
The Sword• That Heals
The most striking quotation in the book is Dr. King's definition of non-violence. 'Non- violence is a powerful and just weapon. It is a weapon unique in history, which cuts......
Spectator's Notebook
YORK PLACE, the magnifi- cent town house of Cardi- nal Wolsey which became the London residence of Henry VIII, survives now only through the 'new' Banqueting House in Whitehall......
Enter The Participant Robert Conquest, In The Last...
book' before the change of editor last December, wrote: `I understand that there is no truth in the suggestion that this column will in future be called "A Participant's......
Hoiising: German Style
From SARAH GAINHAM BONN H is Honour the Mayor of Heilbronn (popu- lation 93,058 on September 30, 1963) is much exercised about the duty to declare his town 'white' . according......
Dark Outlook `we Expect To Throw Open Our Pages To
promote a free and frank, if balanced and objective, dis- cussion of issues and problems that matter.' Not, in fact, a pre-dawn blurb from Mr. Hugh Cudlipp, but part of Mr. I.......
Cassandra in the Daily Mirror is always angry and often right. But not in the assumption which led his story on Monday--that Tories end their annual conference by singing 'Land......