Spectator's Notebook
YORK PLACE, the magnifi- cent town house of Cardi- nal Wolsey which became the London residence of Henry VIII, survives now only through the 'new' Banqueting House in Whitehall built by Inigo Jones in 1619-22 at a cost of £15,618 14s. Od. It was the scene of the execution
of Charles I and the restoration of Charles H. It was there in 1689, after the departure of King James II, that the strange double bill Williamanmary received the formal offer of the Crown from both Houses of Parliament. Since then it has been a furniture store, a' chapel, and for some sixty years the RUSI Museum. Now it has been restored. Time taken, one year: cost about £40,000. The work has been beautifully done and the Banqueting House (opposite the Horse Guards in Whitehall) with its magnificent Rubens ceiling-paintings is going to be open daily to the public. It will also make a worthy setting for government receptions and for concerts,