Arched—Off Plymouth. April 24th, Duke of Buceleugh, Henning ; and If. M. S. Wolfe, from Madras. At Liverpool, 22d, Curdelia. Weaver, from Bengal. In the Clyde. Loth, Francis, Heath, from Bombay. At St. Helena. Feb. 13th, Fame. Har- gra% es, from Mauritius ; Emerald, Crawfunl. from Ditto; and Arab, Ferrier, from Sin- gapore. 14th. Hope, H.canum, from Batavia; Duke of Lancaster, —, from Bengal : and Welcome, Foul, from Mauritius. 15th, Miranda, Syms, from ditto; and 16th. E'er- gusson, Young. from Bengal. At Bombay. Stirling Castle, Frazer, from the Clyde. At Madras, Nov. 4th„ Orient, White; and Dec. 24th, Wellington, Liddell. from Lon- don. At Bengal, Nov. 30th, Eliza, Sutton, From London; and Duke of Argyle, --, from ditto. Sailed—From Gravesend, April 1Rth, Louisa Campbell, M•Queen, for China. 19th, Resew-late. Ware, for New South Wales. 20th. Lord William hentinck, Hutchinson, for Madras. 22d. Charles Kerr, Brodie, for Bombay. 23d, Africa. Skelton, fur Madras ; and Theodosia. Ryan, for Mauritius ; and 25th, Ilasheaty, Hartlehl, for Madras. From Liverpool. 24th, Eliza. Davey, for Batavia.