Deficient Control Of The Public Expenditure.
ESTIMATES FOR COLLECTING THE REVENUE WANTED. THE cost of collecting the revenues of the United Kingdom exceeds three millions and a half; and this vast sum will not be......
Voluntary And Compulsory Support Of Religion.
"In pursuance of the King's letter, collections were on Sunday last made in most of the London churches, in aid of the funds of the Society for Building and Enlarging Places of......
Topics Of The Day.
THE PROCESSION OF THE UNIONS. THE procession of the Trades Unions on Monday, was a manifes- tation, not of power, but of weakness. In the first place, if their object was to......
THE next point to be determined for such a Society, is the form. . And here the rule should be, to eschew all formation. As men in fair weather build umbrellas, and calculate......
The Other Side.
Ws have spoken according to our honest opinion of the weak part of the Trades Unionist exhibition : its strength lay in the since- Tity, the earnestness, with which the poor men......