26 APRIL 1845, Page 18


Solomon was given at Exeter Hall on Wednesday; when some of the noble double choruses of that work, in particular the charming one "Final the' causer," censer," produced their wonted effect. Accident, however, marred the total impression of the performance; which, when supported by its various characters according to the voices imagined by Handel, would scarcely be found tedious, but given at length drags heavily if double duty is exacted from any one performer. Leffler being absent, Miss Hawes sang, his part as well as her OW11; which made the performance go, but at the expense of monotony and a world too much of contralto. The trans- position of " What though I trace," to C, destroyed the brightness of the original The fine' dramatic scene between Solomon and the Women, attempted by Miss Hawes, Miss Lucombe, and bliss Birch, was very ineffective, being delivered without an accent of feeling. The concerted singing of the principal performers should be more zealously watched and improved. than, we fear, it is at present.