26 APRIL 1845, Page 19


Tuesday, April 22.


D'Usayerand Co. Regent Street, professors of languages—Clifford and Co. Liverpool. commission-merchants—Davie and Pitcher, Ipswich, surgeons—Brown and Co. Few church Street, agricultural commission-agents—T. and J. Carpenter, Taaburgli, Nor- folk, firnmers—Whichello and Freshwater, castle street, Leicester Square, grocers— Wise and ?darter, North Court, City Road, umbrella-sdck-turners—Crowther and Walker. Leeds, scribbling-millers--Stubbs and Co.; as far as regards W. A. Stubbs— Foster and Co. Bread Street warehousemen--Cookee and Darrell, Great Tower Street,. colonial-brokers—F and T. Medhurst, Denmark Street, Soho, weighing-machbie- makers —Noyes and Co. Coventry, ironmongers—Pickworth and Son, Wainneet, Line cobishire, ironmongers—Cut Glass Company, Birmingham ; as far as regards R. Shaw— Morris and Ogden, Bolton-le-Moors, printers—Connery and Co. Chester, distillers- Hubbert and.Andrews, Old Street.mattrass-maumfacturers—Garton and Daytime, Dean Street, Soho, proprietors of a periodical—Poulton and Hills, Chelmsffird, cabinetmaker* —J. arid S. Carter, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, tailors—Brooke and Brothers, Robert" town, Yorkshire, merchants—Trainer and M'Lean, Wivellscombe, Somenseteldre. drapers—Nelson Company, Forest of Dean, coal-ma/stem—Con and Paul, Leicester.. ironfounders—Simmone and Co. Truro, attornies; as far as regardeG: Simmons jnn.


Grissom, Gamma, Liverpool, stockbroker.

TAYLOR, Joanne, Whittlesea, Cambridgeshire, draper.

THORNE, Thomas, Todffil Street, cheesemonger.


Minot% THOMAS, Shrewsbury, veterinary surgeon, to surrender April 30, suns II solicitors, Mr. Jones, Shrewebury; Messrs. Motteram and Knowles, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Binxdngham.

HOMEWOOD, THOMAS, Hillingdon, victualler, May 2, June 6: solicitors, Mr. Patter. son, Bouverie Street ; Mr. Woolla, Uxbridge; official assignee, Mr. Green, Alder. manbury.

Lens, Jona and Tnosms, Kidderminster. engineers, May 5, June 2 solicitors, Mr. Watson, Stourport ; Mr. Hodgson, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Itittitston, Birmingham.

Moan's, Taoism, and Woonwasn, WILLIAM, Burelem, drapers, Nay 5, June 9: sett- otters, Messrs. Lawrence and Plows, Bucklembury ; Mr. Dawes, Asitby-de-la-Zoudi ; Mr. Reece, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Blttleeton, Birmingham. PHILLIPS, JosErn, and PsAlsou, TuomAs, South Place, Finsbut7, silk-dressers, May 13, June 3 : solicitors, Messrs. Lawrence and Mews, Bucklersbury ; official assignee. Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.

Paesetz, Hexer. Tomas, Thanet Street, Burton Creacent. wine-merchant, April 29, June 3 : solicitor, Mr. tlarpur, Kennington Gross; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane.

ElnAw, Geezer., Oldham, ootton-spinner, May 6, 27: solicitors, messre. Johnson and go. Temple ; Mr. Lord, Rochdale; official assignee, Mr. Stanway. Manchester. WILLIAMS, TROIKAS HOLTIAND, and STANK'S, WILLIAM ELACiiAR, Chelmsford, auc- tioneers. May 2, June 3: solicitor, Mr. 'Risley, Gray's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Ed- wards, Old Jewry.

WILCOCK, SARAH, Warrington, Innkeeper, May 8, June 9: Solicitors, Messrs. Norris and Co. Bartlett's Buildings; Mr. Bayley, Warrington; official assignee, Mr. Stanway, Manchester,


May 16, Clover, Holborn, llnendraper—May 16, Wehnert, Leicester Square, tailor— May 16, Green, Clifford Street, tallor—May 9, R. & J.17nderhlll, Plymouth, linendrapers —May 13, roamer, Lymington, cabinetmaker—May 14, Butler, Witham, builder—May 23, Bartlett, Wellington Street, Goswell Street, plaster ornament manufacturer—May 30, Westrup and Cocksedge, Shadwell, millers—May 21, Harding, Fantham, builder— May 21, Robinson, Ballingdon. Essex, wheelwright—May 13, Lorden and Hadley, Herne Bay, builders—May 22, Andrews, Threadneedle Street, stock-broker—May 72, Chapman, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, grocer—May 22, Lecesne, Fenchurch Build- ings, Fenchurch Street, merchant—May 22, Johnson, Allston, Yorkshire, miller—May 16, Carter, Saddington, Leicestershire, nfiler—May 23, Bishton, Sedgley, Staffordshire, Ironmaster—May 23, East, Spalding, Lincolnshire, builder—May 15, Wilkinson, Hartle- pool, draper—May 15, Penny, Cockermouth, Cumberland, mercer—May 15, Humber- sten and Frodsham, Liverpool, commission-merchants--May 16, Higginson, Liverpool, pavrnbroker.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting,

May 13, Perkins, Portsea, upholsterer—May 14, J. and C. Green, Borough Road, comdealers—May 27, Humus, Brick Lane, Bethnal Green, silk-hat manufacturer—May 23, J. and G. Hardy, Wlsbeach St. Peter, Cambridgeshire, grocers—May 20. Gray, Caroline Street, Eaton Square, horse-dealer—May 15, Ralph, Bath, Innkeeper—May 15, Ferris, Wotton Basset, Wiltshire, grocer—Slay 16, Wells, Winchcombe, Glocester- shire, common-carrier—May 14, Wilkinson, Hartlepool, draper—May 15, Dees and Hogg, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, builders—May 14, Coward, Hartlepool, bread-baker- May 15, Green, Liverpool, woollen-draper—May 13, Marshall, Kingston-upon-Hull, builder—May 13, Hardlsty, Wakefield, whitesmIth.

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or Wore May 13. J. Hepworth, Halifax, cotton-warp dyer—D. Hepworth, Halifax, cotton-warp dyer— T. and J. Darby, Birmingham, drysalters—Walker, Jewry Street, Aldgate, builder— Craven Wakefield, Yorkshire, corn-miller—Watt, Lime Street, merchant—Hodsdon, Harrow, butcher—Willer, Windsor, licensed victualler—Vardy, Portsmouth, llnendraper.


Christophers, East India Chambers, merchant ; first div. of 2s. 64., April 23, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard—Croughton, Melton Mow- bray, vicar ; first div. of 6s. any Tuesday; Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham—Hall, Cogge- shall, Essex, grocer ; first &v. of 2s. M., any Wednesday ; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street—Davies, Davies Street, Berkeley Square, apothecary; • first div. of 20s., April 26, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane—Williams, Oxford, woollendraper ; first div. of 5s. 64., April 26, and three subsequent Saturdays ; 3Ir. Groom, Abchurch Lane—Peach, Nottingham, grocer ; first and final div. of Is. 94. on any Thursday ; Mr. Christie, Birmingham—Daniell, Boulogne, copper-smelter ; further div. of Is. 64., in addition to 2s. 64. previously paid, any day after April 24; Mr. Her- 'semen, Exeter—Watson, Carlisle, grocer ; first div. of 7s., April 26, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne—Heron and Co. Manchester, cotton- spinners • final div. of id.. April 23, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Pat, Man- chester-2Hardie, Manchester, merchant ; final div. of 7 7-8ths of a penny, April 23, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Pott, Manchester—Atkinson, Temple Sowerby, Westmoreland, banker ; third and final div. of 7d. and 24-100ths of a penny, (In ad- dition to Si. 70. previously declared,) on any Saturday after April 26; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.


FRAZER and Sons, Inverness, smiths, April 29, May 20.

Friday, April 25.


Nightingale and Mackrell, Devizes, wine-merchants-27MM and Cresvrick, Sheffield, quarrymen-31illward and Perks, Aston Junction, near Birmingham, gun-barrel-ma- nufacturers—Bull and Co. Kensington, milliners—Hart and Co. Coventry, riband-ma- nufacturers—Jones and Co, Bllston, Staffordshire, bankers—Jarvis and Son, Eltham Place, Southwark, rag-merchants—Tate and Barringer, Oxford Street, chcesemongers —Kemp and Son, Gondhurst.carpenters—Swann and Pye, Liverpool, engravers—Lucas, Dewburst, and Co. Blackburn, manufacturing-chemists—Sorrell and Springliall, Bow, engineers—Aldred and Gee, Manchester, small-ware-dealers ; as far as regards Gee— Clarke and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, stone-merchants ; as far as regards W. Sugden.


JOHNSON, JOHN, Nantwich, Cheshire, druggist, to surrender May 9, June 6: soli- citors, Messrs. Vincent and Co., Temple ; Messrs. Curry and Co., Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool.

Lownau, Jane, and BRINLEY, RICHARD JACKSON, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, printers, May 6, June 4: solicitor, Mr. Gibson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Mr. Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

NEWNES, EDWARD, Newton-by-Middiewich, Cheshire, brewer, May 9, June 6: soli- citors, Mr. Walmsley, Chancery Lane; Messrs. Hetherington and Woodburn, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Morgan, Liverpool.

NiasoLsos, Jona, Blackburn, woollendraper, May 8, 29: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co., Temple ; Messrs. Wilding and Fisher, Blackburn ::official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester.

Pace, FREDERICK, Southampton, builder, May 6, June 4 solicitors, Messrs. Smith and Atkins, Sergeant's Inn, Fleet Street ; Messrs. Mackay and Girdlestone, Southamp- ton; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.

Peacoat, Gramm, St. George's Road, corn-dealer, May 6, June 4: solicitor, Mr. Bickley, Mitre Court, Ely Place; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basdnghall Street.

PLOWMAN, Josers, Oxford, ironmonger, May 8, June 6: solicitor, Mr. Gauntlett, Gray's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard.

Toprem, GEORGE Claarrou, Crescent Place, Fulham Road, jeweller, May 6, June 5: solicitor, Mr. Spyer, Broad Street Buildings ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.

WALKER, WILLIAM, Eastwood, Staffordshire, dealer in potters' materials, May I, June 5: solicitors, Mr. Chaloner, Hanley; Messrs. Harrison and Smith, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham.

Waimea, JAMES ERMSTON, Ramsgate, boarding-housekeeper, May 2, June 6: soli- citors, Messrs. Lawrence and Plews, Bucklersbury ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Ba- singhall Street.


May 16, nage, Colchester, tailor—May 16, Trivett, Northumberland Place, Com- mercial Road East, draper.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

May 16, Spencer, Wallingford, Berkshire, brewer—May 16, Gorton junior, Grosvenor Row, Pimlico, bookseller—May 19, Knott, Brighton, miller—May 17, Coleman, Union Court, Old Broad Street, merchant—May 16, Dale, London Wall, bootmaker—May 19, Chapman, Bradford, civil engineer—May 16, Kewley, Liverpool, tailor—May 16, Ro- bens, Liverpool, potato-dealer—May 19, Lane, Hereford, coal-merchant—May 19, Gray, Manchester, upholsterer—May 19, Henderson, Manchester, bookseller—May 19, Lang- ston, Manchester, sharebroker.

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before May 16.

Howell junior, Liverpool, bookseller—Griffiths junior, Wem, wine-merchant—Col- limon, East Buttervrick, shipvnight—Booth, Kirkburton, woollen-cloth manufacturer.


Sedman, Queen Street, Cheapside, colour-merchant; first dlv. of 4s. April 26, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane.—Norbury, Macclesfield, Inn- keeper; final div. of 1 lid. April 29, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Stanway, Man. chester.—Slater, Bundey, Lancashire, pawnbroker ; first dIv. of 18s. April 29, or any subeequent Tuesday; Mr. Stanway Manchester—Watkins and tunes, Manchester, lead- merchants ; first div. of 2s. 24.; first div. of 2s. 1114. on the separate estate of J. Innes ; and first div. of 2*. 48. on the separate estate of H. IL Watkins, April 29, or any subse- quent Tuesday ; Mr. Stanway, Manchester—Tabbemer, Birmingham, auctioneer ; first div. of al. any Tuesday ; Mr. Whitmore-, Birmingham—J. L. and T. Tabberner, Bir- mingham, contractors ; first div. of 7s. any Tuesday ; Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham— Walker, Hook, Yorkshire ; second and final city. of 2.1. 214. and first and final div. of 14s. 214., upon new proofis, April 29, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Feame, Leeds— Batson and Co. Berwick-upon-Tweed, bankers ; fourth div. of 64., (in addition to 9.1. 68. previonslr}leclared,) on the following days : May 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, and any sabaequent Saturday; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.


Gan?, N. junior, Edinburgh, insurance-broker, April 30, May 22.

Mime, A., Inverness, blacksmith, April 29, May 20.