THE ceremony of opening the British Empire Exhibition on Wednesday morning was in every way a success. The inside of the Stadium looked ex- tremely well with its great royal stand in purple, gold and yellow which fills one end. At the other end of the Stadium was a massed choir. Between the two were seated the vast mass of the public. In the middle of the Stadium was the massed band of the Brigade of Guards and guards of honour from the Royal Navy, the Royal Marines and Royal Air Force. The first of the Royal Family to arrive was the Prince of Wales, who drove round the Stadium in his car. At 11.80 fanfares of trumpets from the Household Cavalry announced the arrival of the King and Queen. When the King and Queen had ascended to the gold thrones the Prince of Wales, as President of the Exhibition, read his speech of welcome. Both the Prince of Wales's speech and the King's were amplified and were clearly audible all over the Stadium. Millions of persons all over the country also heard the speech broadcasted. It was a great day for wireless.