The Prime Minister Spoke In A Holiday Spirit On Easter
Monday at the Conference of the Independent Labour Party at York. He declared that to make a Cabinet was much more difficult than to make a revolution, and that if he " had a......
The Squall Which Blew Up Between America And Japan As
the result of fresh discussions about Japanese immi- gration seems likely to pass harmlessly away. The trouble began when a Californian Senator California is, of course, in a......
At The Conference Of The Independent Labour Party At York
last Saturday the Prime Minister made what was perhaps his plainest declaration so far of his conception of his own duties and the functions of the Labour Government :- " My......
Unfortunately France And Germany Have Now Not A Vestige Of
mutual trust, and it is therefore extremely difficult for them to conduct any kind of negotiations. The mere mention by Mr. MacDonald, in his speech at York, of " trust " and "......
The Moscow Correspondent Of The Berliner Tageblatt Has...
considerable concern at the prospect of the success of the present Anglo-Russian negotiations :— " The British plans are of such dimensions that they threaten in practice to......
The Reception Of The Report In France May Be Said
to have been favourable in principle, if critical in detail. There is an obvious tendency to attempt to maintain the economic system which has been set up in the Ruhr while......
On Tuesday President Coolidge, Speaking In New York,...
thorough approval of the Experts' Reports on Reparations, and went on to say that if and when there were a definite settlement of reparations he would call a new international......
As Regards The First Point, The Term " Socialist," To
which Mr. MacDonald objects on the ground that it is an academic phrase, does define the political convictions of the Government, whereas " Labour " rather arrogantly implies......