[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
Ern,—The following instance of the origin of a legend or miraculous appearance may interest many. In the official account of the shooting at the Sikh-Jatha last February, at Jaito, reference was made to a leader on horseback who kept shouting out orders to the Sikhs. Now, this rider has never been identified, and no Sikh can ride beside the Guru Granth Sahib, because no Sikh may be seated on a level higher than the Holy Book. Ergo, no Sikh did ride. Ergo again, the rider was Guru Govind _Singh, so multitudes of Sikhs believe. Therefore all attempts to shoot the rider failed. This incident has served to make thousands of Sikhs believe in the purity of their cause, seeing that the Guru has given a special Darshan to encourage them. And no amount of propaganda will counteract the effect of this " miracle " which has done more for the Akali cause than any amount of supposed " Bolshevist " sympathy.—I am,