26 APRIL 1924, Page 17


[To the Editor of the SrEcrAroa.]

SIR,—In your issue of April 12th there is a letter from Mr. W. M. Crook asking for the date when Redwings leave England, as he thinks that their appearance in London on March 17th is unusually late. I have looked at the Migration Reports of the British Ornithologists' Club for 1910,1911 and 1912, and find that the watchers at our lighthouses noted the passing of Redwings till nearly the end of April. In 1910 they passed Bardsey Light on the night of April 20th-21st. The next year they were recorded from the S. Foreland on April 12th-13th, and in 1912 the last to be seen were a few at the Chicken Rock Light on April 26th-27th.—I am, Sir, &c., J. G. CORNISH.