It was not, Mr. Lloyd George went on to remark,
as though the Labour Government had any new schemes of their own with which Liberals could not agree. They were only patching up the old clothes of Liberalism. " Why cannot the Government co-operate with Liberals on terms consistent with dignity, honour, and the con- science of both ? " The answer in part no doubt is that immediately after the General Election Mr. Asquith made it plain that in his opinion the proper function of a Labour Government was to keep the Treasury Bench warm for a Liberal Government. Labour retaliates by showing that it can get on very well without the Liberals. If there is any humiliation is it not largely due to the Liberals themselves, who persist in making loving advances that are perpetually rejected with scorn ? It is quite true that the Socialists and Liberals seem to have a good deal in common, but unfortunately they both want to occupy the same seat, and their interests are therefore irreconcilable. We cannot avoid thinking of Byron in these days, so let us express the matter in words from The Bride of Abydos :- "Affection chained her to that heart ;
Ambition tore the links apart."