Meanwhile the Liberal Party is covering up whatever unpleasantness there
may be within its own ranks by a grand attack upon the Government. The grievances of Liberalism against the Government were stated in their extreme form by Mr. Lloyd George at Llanfair- fechan on Tuesday. He first denied the stories of a split among Liberals. " There is nothing but affectionate adhesion to the leadership of Mr. Asquith." He explained that there was indeed a revolt, but it was a revolt against the " humiliating conditions " under which the party was expected to keep the Government in power. How had Liberal support been acknowledged ? With un- mitigated hostility in Parliament and out of Parliament. The Government regarded Liberal Members as oxen who were to drag the Labour wain over the rough roads of Parliament and be goaded and lashed only to be slaught- ered at the end of the journey. " That is the Labour idea of co-operation."
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