26 APRIL 1930, Page 33


Mr. Evelyn S. Parker, in his reference at the recent annual meeting of the Cunard Steam Ship Company to the retirement of the chairman, Sir Thomas Royden, expressed not only the views of those present but of a much wider circle when he paid an eloquent tribute to the services which Sir Thomas had rendered to the Cunard Company during his eight years' chairmanship. Indeed, the combination of Sir Thomas Boyden as chairman and Sir Percy Bates (now the chairman) as deputy-chairman was an exceptionally strong one, and the results have been seen in the satisfactory developments in the finances of the company. As Mr. Evelyn Parker said, the eight years marked a period of great difficulty and trial, and, he added : " It is due to Sir Thonias's ability, long- sightedness, and unfailing tact that this company during that period has gone on from strength to strength until it occupies its present proud position." As I stated in this column last week, Sir Thomas will remain on the Board of the Cunard (Continued on page "W22.)

- Financial Notes

(Continued from page 721.) Steam Ship Company, and, with Sir Percy Bates as chairman, there is every reason to believe that the good progress of the past eight years will be maintained and even increased in the years to come.