News Of The Week
The Naval Treaty A FTER a session of three months the Naval Conference on Tuesday, with appropriate ceremony, signed the Five-Power Naval Treaty. The heart of the Treaty is, of......
The Most Important Part Of The Agreement Between Great...
the United States and Japan is the under- taking not to replace obsolete capital ships and to reduce the number of effective capital ships. Great Britain and the United States......
* A Still Greater Reservation To The Three-power Treaty Is
the safeguarding clause, which gives each of the three Powers the right to increase its naval strength indefi- nitely if the building of some other Power should make such an......
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to the SPECTATOR costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR is registered as a Newspaper. The Postage on this issue is : Inland......
The United States Can Be No More Grateful Than We
are for the definite removal of naval affairs from,the field of competition, but she can reflect joyfully upon this vitithout being so much troubled as Great_ Britain inevit-......
The Great Thing, Howeyer, Is The Complete Confidence...
two countries which makes a slightly unreal, calculation as good_ as any other. Great Britain is allowed a slightly larger total tonnage fok cruisers in recognition of the......
Altogether The Isolationist Policy Of The United States...
minimum of disturbance from the Treaty and this is now generally recognized by Americans. Mr. Borah, who as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, has immense......