26 APRIL 1930, Page 34


Shareholders in Austin Reed, Limited, have had a pleasant surprise in the shape of a share bonus. The annual Report itself was a very good one, the accounts made up to February 20th last showing a net profit of £85,939 compared with £80,384 in the previous year. After making good allocations to Reserve, and declaring a final dividend, making 15 per cent. for the year on the Ordinary, being the same as a year ago, the directors are able, for the first time in the history of the firm, to announce the distribution of a bonus to the Ordinary shareholders, which will take the form of one share for every five now held. The business commenced operations in 1900 ; in 1910 it was formed into a private company, and ten years later into a public company, so that the present bonus coincides with the conclusion of the first decade of the present company's operations.