.[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sia,—This being Animal Year I want to make a special effort with my campaign, if readers of The Spectator will only help me. It is nearly six years since I founded the Fur Crusade, and over 1,000 leaflets a week have been sent out ever since. These draw attention to the great cruelty involved in obtaining certain furs, particularly broadtail, which often involves the greatest barbarity, the newly born lambs being sometimes skinned alive. : They also tell people by means-of a White List what furs are innocent of the steel trap and may be worn with a clear conscience. I hope to be able to make a very large distribution of these leaflets from house to house in London this season.
There is a good chance of getting steel traps abolished in England by law this year, as there arc now other means of dealing with rabbits and vermin, about which I will gladly supply full particulars. The Gin Traps (Prohibition) Bill has already been introduced by Viscount Tredegar in the House of Lords, and there is a strong support from farmers and others from all over the country to do away with this fiendish instrument of torture.
C. VAN DER BYL (Major),
The Fur Crusade and Humane Trapping Campaign.
Wappenham House, Tourester.